Call for papers (closed)

The call for papers opened on October 1st and closed on December 1st. We would like to thank the 150+ authors for their submissions. As from now on we accept no more submission. All information that was available can be found below. 

General information

This conference has a focus on the first year students in higher education because the first experiences are so important to students’ successes through all years in higher education. This year's focus builds on the previous conferences both continuing good topics and expanding based on the needs of the participants.

This year we have three general topics: the transition to higher education, the overall well-being of students and how institutions can ameliorate and strengthen their education and the student's learning. Some illustrations of the themes (but not all) are given below. This interwoven complex picture gives a lot of different action and research possibilities with the one main aim – to help students succeed!

These actions can be implemented by university leaders, teachers, teacher developers, staff in student affairs, staff in academic affairs, researchers, librarians, technicians, students themselves… really any member of the higher education community. The EFYE 2016 conference welcomes all groups of students and higher education employees that want to share research and ideas, learn from others, and listen to the latest in the field. 

Three main themes

1. The student lifecycle: transition

        • How do we help students to make the transition through their first year?
        • How do we match (future) students with the right degree?
        • How we screen, track and support first-year students?
        • ...

2. The student lifecycle: well-being

        • How do we improve students’ overall well-being?
        • How do we prepare students for their new lives at university?
        • How do we make students into engaged and involved partners of their education?
        • ...

3. The student lifecycle: education and learning

        • How do we embed a culture of FYE for all stakeholders?
        • Why? Because I have to… How do we facilitate motivational learning?
        • How do we construct a learning environment for first-year students that stimulates self-regulated learning while offering enough structure and support?
        • ...

Format of session

There are four formats for the sessions.

We welcome student contributions and will award a couple of free places to students who are presenting.


Submission document Call for papers