How to measure and improve societal impact of research?
by Dr. Sergio Ponsá Salas
Content & format
Researchers are increasingly asked to think about how their research will create societal impact. Being able to plan and report impact is not only important for individual researchers but also at institutional level. In this interactive session, we will have a closer look at what exactly is meant by impact, our role as research support office in maximizing research impact and shaping the impact section of research proposals, and how to measure the success of valorization activities.
Learning outcomes
The goal of this workshop is to discuss the importance of research impact on society and to provide participants with insights into best practices to maximize and measure impact.
About Dr. Sergio Ponsá Salas
Dr. Sergio Ponsá is a Chemical Engineer, PhD in Environmental Science and Technology. He is the Director of BETA Technological Center and Coordinator of BETA Research Group at University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC). He has a deep expertise in the transference of technology and knowledge since he has been involved in more than 50 private RDI projects with companies and public administrations. He is also currently leading and participating in several Public Research and Innovation Projects (national and international).